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Waste Prevention Grants - July 2021

Each year, StopWaste awards local nonprofit and businesses grant funding for projects focused on repair, reuse, food waste prevention, and food donation equipment. The program engages businesses and community-based organizations to reduce waste in Alameda County while helping to address some of the County’s most pressing environmental and equity issues.

COVID-19 - Reusable Foodware Update - June 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a steep increase in the use of disposable foodware. The Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, allows the use of reusable foodware when properly washed, rinsed, and sanitized. StopWaste encourages the use of reusables wherever possible to reduce cost, waste, litter, and improve diner experience.

Medication & Prescription Drug Disposal - May 2021

Medicine and prescription drugs play a critical role in our lives, but unfortunately, many consumers are unfamiliar with the proper way to discard leftover or old prescriptions. Medications and prescription drugs should not be put in the trash, recycling, or compost bin, nor flushed or poured down the drain.

Improper disposal can have significant negative impacts on the environment and our communities, but fortunately, a multitude of safe disposal options are available.

State Recycling Commission Recommendations - February 2021

In the wake of changes in global markets for recyclable materials, in 2019, Governor Newsom signed into law AB 1583, requiring CalRecycle to convene a Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling. This collaborative concept was modeled after StopWaste’s own Alameda County Recycling Markets Network, and is tasked with evaluating California’s current state of recycling and recommending policies to fix it.

Surplus Food Donation Equipment Grants

The Surplus Food Donation Equipment grants provide funding to strengthen the capacity of non-profit organizations to safely recover and redistribute edible surplus food generated in Alameda County, increasing the volume of food available to help nourish communities in Alameda County. These grants support the acquisition of essential equipment, to improve efficiency and building capacity for the edible food recovery components of SB 1383.

Examples of eligible equipment include: 


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